2020-05-29 10:46
Recently I saw the movie ”Official Secret”, it’s based on a true story about Katharine Teresa Gun, who the British whistleblower, leaked information to the press about an illegal NSA spy operation designed to push the UN Security Council into sanctioning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
This reminds me other two movies I have seen:
“吹哨人”这个说法的来源,引用 wiki:
由此看,whistleblower 翻译为的“吹哨人”是个舶来词汇。我的印象中,该词在李文亮医生的相关报道中,被首次大量使用,从 Google Trends 上看,该词语的趋势在李文亮医生于2月7日去世后2天到达峰值。
I recommend these three movies to you, the people with sense of justice, hope you 能!明白!